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Monica and Walter's visit - May 4 and 5, 2019

At our age of 81 and 87, we had almost given up on visiting Roger again, but it was

thanks to the generous offer of Beatrice and Pascal Bernard to organise the whole journey

that this much-longed-for encounter could take place.

We never quite know how a visit is going to turn out. The strict formalities of

entering Wynne Unit are sobering to say the least, and the waiting always sets us to

wondering if the meeting will ever be really friendly or fruitful. But at last we are let into the

final room and there sits Roger half way down the line of meeting areas — smiling and

pointing to the two empty seats on the other side of the glass-and-mesh separation. We

are relieved; yes, it’s going to turn out to be “just fine”.

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